"Don't Cry for Me, Alaska" - The Sarah Palin Story
They're gonna have to abridge this story - it's gonna end in five weeks:
Labels: Barely Political, Sarah Palin
{ require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. The full path may be required } $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page');
They're gonna have to abridge this story - it's gonna end in five weeks:
Labels: Barely Political, Sarah Palin
Courtesy of Intrade - Click the graphic to go there:
Labels: electoral college, predictions, trading market
Labels: improvements, infrastructure, lights and signals
John McCain does not have the ability to fix this economic crisis. After declaring the fundamentals of the economy strong, he created a political circus in Washington last week by mucking up bailout negotiations; a deplorable stunt, considering he and his political cronies helped cause the current meltdown.
Labels: corporate bailouts, economy, McCain, Phil Gramm
You go, girl! (Not safe for work):
Labels: Jewish vote, Sarah Silverman
"The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration, there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran."
"I'm John Good, and I approved this post, because "Virg" gives Good a bad name. Normally when there's an "E" on the end of my surname, it denotes a Jewish ethnicity, but I don't imagine that many Jews follow your inbred hatred of everyone different. Good luck on your re-election this year. . .have you noticed the recent political trends in Virginia, or are you too busy attempting to force your narrow views on others who don't share them?"
Labels: Keith Ellison, racists, Virgil Goode, Virginia
I've heard several progressives express frustration that Barack hasn't attacked enough, that he hasn't enough shown anger and outrage. I submit this video for your approval:
Guess who's NOT coming to dinner?
"I do not like you, John McCain. My feeling has nothing to do with issues. It has to do with common courtesy. During the debate, you refused to look Barack Obama in the eye. Indeed, you refused to look at him at all. Even when the two of you shook hands at the start, you used your eyes only to locate his hand, and then gazed past him as you shook it.
Obama is my guy. If you are rude to him, you are rude to me. If you came to dinner at my house and refused to look at or speak with one of my guests, that would be bad manners and I would be offended. Same thing if I went to your house. During the debate, you were America's guest.
What was your problem? Do you hold this man in such contempt that you cannot bear to gaze upon him? Will you not even speak to him directly?
Do you think he doesn't have the right to be running for President?
Were you angry because after you said you wouldn't attend the debate, he said a President should be able to concern himself with two things at the same time? He was right. The proof is, you were there. Were you angry with him because he called your bluff?During the debate, Jim Lehrer repeatedly called upon both candidates to speak directly to each other. Obama looked at you. He addressed you as "John," which as a fellow senator is his privilege. His body language was open. You stared straight ahead, or at Lehrer, or into space. Your jaw was clinched. You had a tight little smile, or a grimace, or a little shake of your head.
I had to do two things at once while watching the debate. I had to listen to what was being said. And I had to process your rigid and contemptuous behavior. If you were at a wedding and the father of the groom refused to look at or speak to the bride, how would that make you feel? Especially if you were the father of the bride?
You made a TV commercial showing the moments Obama agreed with you.
Everybody knows he did. Did his agreement show honesty, or weakness?
It is significant that you said it proved he was not ready to lead.
What is the better leadership quality: (1) Willingness to listen to your opponent, and keep an open mind? (2) Rigidly ignoring him? Which of the two of you better demonstrated the bipartisan spirit you say you represent? Was there anything he said that you agreed with? Could you have brought yourself to say so?I'm not the only one who noticed your odd, hostile behavior. Just about everybody did. I'm sure many of your supporters must have sensed the tension. Before the debate, pundits were wondering if you might explode in a display of your famous temper. I think we saw that happen, all right, but it was an implosion. I have instructed my wife to exclude you from any future dinner parties."
Labels: John McCain, movie reviews, Roger Ebert
Labels: bats, coffee, domestic mishaps
If you watch this you will,
Labels: armageddon, Sarah Palin
So the Republicans are saying they lost the vote because Nancy Pelosi gave a speech that offended twelve of their members. Well Barney Frank has an offer for them:
Give me those twelve people's names, and I will go talk uncharacteristically nicely to them, and tell them what wonderful people they are, and maybe they'll think about the country.
Labels: Barney Frank, corporate bailouts, GOP
Welcome to Monday! (ducking) Since you gotta be here anyway, hopefully your "team mates" have better names than these - but. . .you tell me:
Labels: captions
I feel that this song relates to the general mood of the country as we head to the polls in just a few short weeks:
Labels: Oak Ridge Boys
Labels: Obama-Biden, rallies, Virginia
Labels: Humor
. . .who you want in charge of foreign policy decisions for our country:
Labels: foreign policy, presidential debates
If you are prone to nightmares or suffer from stomach ulcers, do not watch the following video:
Labels: Vote For Change
Fishman was the new chief executive officer for Washingon Mutual — WaMu — the nation's largest savings and loan, which was taken over Thursday night by federal bank regulators and quickly dumped in a fire sale to JPMorgan Chase for the Wal-Mart-like price of $1.9 billion.
But don't cry for Fishman, who reportedly was sky-high — literally — last night, on a flight from New York to Seattle, when WaMu collapsed. Even though he's only been on the job for less than three weeks, he's bailing out with parachute worth close to $20 million, according to an executive compensation analysis conducted for the New York Times by James F. Reda Associates.
Labels: CEO's, corporate bailouts, golden parachutes, WaMu, Washinton Mutual
"Zero" highlights how many times McCain mentioned the middle class in the first Presidential Debate and features footage from that debate where Obama gave his thoughts on the fundamentals of the economy and explained how John McCain's policies are just a continuation of the last eight years. On the air. . .
Labels: Obama, political ads
Labels: obits, Paul Newman
Labels: Joe Biden, presidential debates
Debate Flashbacks: NBC takes a look back at the last three series of presidential debates -- Clinton v. Dole, Bush v. Gore, and Bush v. Kerry:
Labels: presidential debates
Welcome to Friday Nite retro - The September Songs Edition:
Jon Stewart finds an eerie similarity between President Bush's big bailout speech and his Iraq invasion speech five years ago. "Those who do not study the past get an exciting opportunity to repeat it." Watch:
Labels: Jon Stewart
One day after President Bush addressed the nation on the financial markets and John McCain announced he would go back to Congress to work on the bailout, Barack Obama takes the leadership mantle from the both of them, releasing this video on his outlook on the economy:
Labels: economy, leadership, Obama
Julie Brown has rewritten her infamous tune "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" in
Labels: Julie Brown, Sarah Palin, Stephanie Miller
I've heard of some reports of this in other states, but this is the first I've actually seen in print. From The Racine Post:
Democratic voters in at least two Wisconsin communities have received absentee voter forms from the McCain campaign that -- if used -- could cause their votes to be ignored.
Is it a simple error? Or campaign shenanigans and voter fraud? You be the judge.
Keith Heck, a former Racine Unified School Board member who lives in Mount Pleasant, reports receiving a mailing containing two tear-out requests for an absentee ballot. The preprinted request form -- an 11x17 piece of card stock folded over twice for mailing -- is addressed to the clerk in the the village of Caledonia.
Heck says, "I spoke with the Caledonia clerk and learned if we (in Mount Pleasant) used the form and sent it to the pre-printed address they would have to forward it to the right jurisdiction (if they had the time and the people) who would then have to send out the absentee ballot. As the deadline to submit a request is Oct. 30, and the clerks have a deadline of Oct. 31, this bogus form not only gums up and overworks the process to get absentee ballots sent out, it could cause some to not even be mailed."
Labels: voter disenfranchisement, Wisconsin
Labels: hypocrisy, John McCain
"We've got a guy like that NOW"
"In the middle of the taping of his show today, Dave Letterman got word that McCain was, in fact just down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave even cut over to the live video of the interview, and said, "Hey Senator, can I give you a ride home?"
Earlier in the show, Dave kept saying, "You don't suspend your campaign. This doesn't smell right. This isn't the way a tested hero behaves." And he joked: "I think someone's putting something in his metamucil."
"He can't run the campaign because the economy is cratering? Fine, put in your second string quarterback, Sara Palin. Where is she?"
"What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!"
Labels: David Letterman, John McCain
Barack Obama rejected the proposal -- put forward by John McCain today -- that the two presidential candidates leave the campaign trail, delay Friday's debate, and return to Washington to work on a bailout package for the economy, "Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time," he said, "it is not necessary for us to think we can do only one thing and suspend everything else."
What a surprise! In addition to his SEVEN HOMES, John McCain owns 13 vehicles; three of which are foreign made, despite his statements:
John McCain has destroyed the one major advantage he held in this campaign - his open relationship with the press. McCain has long been a media darling due to his accessibility to the media, but that ended since he added Sarah " Ida Know" Palin to the ticket. Can't say that I blame him, as Caribou Barbie is clueless on 99% of the issues. Watch the dodge:
Labels: McCain/Palin, Media
Labels: economy, Hank Paulson, satire, scams
"Heckuva Job Hank" Paulson and the White House appear to be facing an uphill battle as several high ranking Democrats stepped up their opposition today to Paulson's $700 billion plan, which called for scant additional oversight added to the financial markets or Paulson himself. In short, they wish to continue down the same unregulated, non-supervised road that they took to drive us into this current mess.Section 8 of the plan reads:
"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."
Labels: bank failures, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Hank Paulson, stock market
Another Blue Monday. . .enjoy this New Order tune first:
Labels: captions
Everything old is new again -
"The whole focus of Republican oratory these days, seems to be to switch labels. The object is to persuade the American people that the Democratic Party was responsible for the 1929 crash and the depression. And that the Republican Party was responsible for all social progress under the New Deal. Now. . imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but I am afraid. . I am afraid that in this case it is the most obvious common garden variety of fraud."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Labels: FDR, Republican playbook deja vu
Barack Obama is airing a new ad in New Mexico and Ohio that defends his abortion rights record and says Republican rival John McCain backs a party platform that would deny abortions to victims of rape and incest.
Labels: abortion, political ads
Saturday Night Live's opening skit knocked John McCain for running misleading ads about Barack Obama. As Politico reported last night, Al Franken had a hand in crafting the skit:
Labels: Al Franken, SNL
In a clip from their documentary "Third Term," Progressive Accountability finds a direct tie between John McCain's actions in the Keating Five scandal and his current response to the economic crisis. Watch:
Labels: Cindy McCain, economy, Keating Five
Missouri resident Tony Viessman traveled to Denver for the Democratic National Convention to help persuade "rednecks" that Barack Obama should get their vote:
"There's only one candidate who's called himself "fundamentally a deregulator" when deregulation is part of the problem. My opponent actually wrote in the current issue of a health care magazine - the current issue - quote - "Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."
So let me get this straight - he wants to run health care like they've been running Wall Street. Well, Senator, I know some folks on Main Street who aren't going to think that's a good idea."
Labels: healthcare, McCain, Obama
Labels: barack obama, economy, home secuity, John McCain, New Mexico
Labels: Garrison Keillor, republicans, Sarah Palin
I received this via email tonight from a good friend. A friend who happens to be a woman. A smart, free-thinking intellectual woman. The kind of woman that Sarah Palin doesn't believe in giving a voice to. Or supporting during the worst possible violation of her humanity and womanhood. I don't care what your party affiliation is or your personal views may be - this woman does not give a flying fuck about you or what harm may befall you. Place yourself in the shoes of this rape victim, and make the call for yourself:
I sat with a rape victim during the “harvesting of evidence”. Mascara smeared eyes stared blankly out from a cave of shame. “We’ve got swimmers,” announced the forensic tech in the lab next door. My friend didn’t look surprised. In her 60’s, she was still asked if she felt the need for emergency contraception. Surviving the process would have only been compounded and made worse with an itemized bill; victimized twice courtesy of Sarah Palin and the city of Wasilla.
Much can be learned about the Palin Administration’s family values from reviewing their spending priorities. Former Chief of Police Irl Stambaugh included forensic rape kits (up to $1,200 per kit) in his budget requests. He was fired by Palin in 1997. In her termination letter, Palin wrote, “…I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla. Therefore I intend to terminate your employment. . . ” Staumbaugh headed the police department since it was created in 1993. Before that, he served 22 years with the Anchorage Police Department rising to the rank of captain. Sarah Palin hired Charlie Fannon as the new Wasilla Chief of Police and said it was one of her best decisions as mayor. Fannon eliminated the forensic rape kits from the budget. Though the number of rapes weren’t reported, Fannon claimed it would save Wasilla taxpayers $5,000 to $14,000 a year.
When Eric Croft, a Democrat Legislator from Anchorage, learned of Wasilla’s policy, he drafted HB 270, which Governor Tony Knowles signed into law. The new law made it illegal for any law enforcement agency to bill victims or victims’ insurance companies for the costs of examinations to collect evidence of a sexual assault or determine if a sexual assault actually occurred. Upon signing the law, Governor Knowles said, “We would never bill the victim of a burglary for the cost of gathering evidence, nor should we bill rape victims just because the crime scene happens to be their bodies.”
Wasilla Police Chief Fannon protested the new law stating it would require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams. Really? Are the true costs of sexual assault and forcible rape in a community only measured and reflected in the dollars spent on the forensic rape kit?
Labels: Sarah Palin, women's rights
Welcome to Friday Nite Retro! Tonight, I got to learn all about Michael Martin Murphy; who recorded three songs that I was aware of. As it turns out, I wasn't all that aware! Murphy has performed everything from bubble-gum pop to folk to country to cowboy-western. Murphy was born in Oak Cliff, Texas in 1945, and grew up in Dallas. His love of the outdoors began at an early age when his parents took him and his brother Mark on regular trips to the country to visit relatives. When he was six years old, Murphy started riding horses on his grandfather's and uncle's ranches. Years later he would remember sleeping on his grandfather's porch under the stars listening to the older man's stories and cowboy songs. He also enjoyed being around these men of the land as they went about their work. These experiences made a deep impression on the young boy.
Labels: FNR, Michael Martin Murphy
Late today, the Obama campaign released a new ad hitting McCain for his opposition to equal pay. The spot, titled "Need Education," was narrated by Lilly Ledbetter, the Alabama woman whose Supreme Court case led to 2007 fair pay legislation.
Labels: equal pay, political ads, women's rights
Aqua Indiana customers will begin paying 50 percent more for their water and sewer utilities next month.
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approved the company’s 75 percent rate increase request last month. The higher rate will be phased in, with a 50 percent spike taking effect in October and the remainder of the increase in June.
Bill Etzler, vice president and regional manager of Aqua Indiana, said customers won’t see the new rate on their bills until November, and because of billing cycles, the full effect won’t be seen until December for most customers. According to the state, the full increases will mean an extra $19 a month for the average sewer customer and an extra $14 a month for typical water customers.
Labels: aboite, Aqua Indiana, utility rates
Meet Gabriel Schwartz, 29, of Denver Colorado. His hobbies include: practicing law, lowering taxes for the wealthy, bombing the shit out of countries filled with brown people, and picking up thieves posing as sexy women interested in sleazeballs. Yes, ladies, he IS single and available! Although possibly a bit more cautious with his dating these days. I DID report on the prevalence of prostitution at GOP conventions earlier this year - but this enterprising young lass completely skipped the actual sex part of the transaction. Schwartz, who's been described as "a fixture in Colorado Republican politics" gave the following interview during the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis.
Labels: Conventions, prostitution, Republican Sex-capades